sabato 16 marzo 2013

Life, oh life!

It's been a long time since my last blog entry...It's scary to see how the number of posts per month decreased compared to when I first started writing! The truth is I've been crazily busy. Working (and trying to recover after work!) and socialising. I realised I go crazy if all I do is go to work, come home, eat and go to bed. Luckily I am surrounded by people who are always up for a chat/a drink. I really think we should never take friendships for granted (whether it be new ones or old ones).

Although most of the people who will read these lines are also those I am closer too (and therefore probably don't need an update through this blog), I'll still tell you what the highlights of these past two weeks have been. Some of them are funny, others make me confused. So here I am, trying to organise my thoughts before the weekend starts. People often say that those who are messy “on the outside” are very organised “inside”. I can definitely say this holds true for me: I am a really untidy person, but I know where I am going (kind of) and I know what I want (more or less).

- Interpreting at a conference: adrenalin overdose

- Working for two since my colleague was ill: more adrenalin

- Realising that I can go from stage 3 to stage 2 and back to stage 3 in a couple of days: confusion

- Noticing that, often, people who call themselves anarchists/environmentalists/revolutionaries... don't like taking showers. Yuk!

- Being a passenger in my colleague's new car: fun!

- Being involved in a car accident while getting home by taxi: scary shit (more due to the drivers' reactions than to the accident in itself).

- Planning a reunion with old friends: excitement!

- Playing with my friend's baby: cuteness

- Playing rugby: lactic acid

- Discovering there are people who are just as fond of strawberry and rhubarb crumbles as T. and I are 
(and realising that rhubarb grows in a drier climate too – wohooo!): amazement!

- Getting a message from my parents telling me there are home-grown strawberries in the freezer.   Coincidence or a sign? It's definitely crumble time!

- Realising you've got friends who put up with you even when you are so tired you are not able to behave “normally”. Relief (and luck!)

- Waiting to see someone nice: fingers crossed ;)

- Ending the week with a chocolate mousse and coffee liqueur. Bliss!

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