venerdì 22 marzo 2013

Like in a film?

I don't get to see my parents that often these days. In fact, they keep telling me they miss me more now than when I was abroad. So when we do get together we have to make sure we tell each other as many things as we can about our lives. Today was one of those catching-up days. After 20 minutes of me talking, my dad just went: “You know what? Your life is like a film: you are young, you have a nice job and lovely friends (may I add I am also incredibly sexy, rich and successful). Not to mention all the people you know who are falling in love/falling out of love/planning to get married/divorce/have babies/move to the other end of the world.”

I have never thought of myself as a film star. I actually often think other people lead lives that get very close to a film plot, not me. Also, I am not a gossiper so I don't know how my dad knows about all these “scandals”. As for the number of friends, I have always thought it's good to know a lot of people (the more people you know, the more you learn), but have just a few good friends (“pochi ma boni”, as you say in Trieste). There is also one other reason why I wouldn't classify as a film star: I am not madly in love with a hot guy (yet :). In any case there are good films and bad films, the happy and the sad ones. If “living like in a film” = spending a whole day in the sun (the first one this year! Welcome back, spring!) catching up with nice people, then I have no problem with being compared to a VIP.

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