sabato 4 agosto 2018

A fresh start (or Why I decided to keep my blog alive)

As some of you may know, I started a blog some years ago. The idea behind it was to have a space where I could talk about my everyday life as a wheelchair user. At the beginning I was absolutely enthusiastic and eager to talk about my experiences from a personal viewpoint. However, I soon realised that keeping a blog was anything but easy. A blogger needs ideas, time and - last but not least - a readership. If, on the one hand, I really wanted to write about my personal story, on the other hand I was way too shy to advertise my posts. Only the "lucky" few knew about my blog (thank you for sticking with me!). After a while I realised my writing had become a diary, much too personal to be of interest to anyone. Doubts and a constantly increasing workload made me give up on my original plan: to raise awareness about disability-related issues through my personal story. Now, over four years later, I feel I have more things to say. I have been lucky enough to be able to travel around Europe quite a bit. During my trips I realised that travelling in a wheelchair is often extremely complicated and frustrating (if you want to see as many things as you can and do almost everything an able-bodied person does, that is). It is also exhilarating. I am lucky enough to be able to laugh away my frustration/anger/disbelief/you name it with my SuperBoyfriend (hereinafter referred to as SB), who is a tireless adventurer, as well as my legs and my GPS whenever I roll around the world. Most of the stories I am about to tell would not have happened without him. The list of anecdotes is getting longer every day, so I thought it would be worth sharing some of the weirdest stories with you. Hope you enjoy it!
To read my first post on accessibility in Berlin click here.

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