martedì 2 giugno 2015

Summertime addictions

Summer is finally here. I can smell it, I can feel it on my skin (gosh, it's hot!). It's usually quite hot roasting in my flat but, although I have air conditioning (my parents insisted on installing it), I don't like using it. Firstly, because I keep getting the heating and cooling buttons mixed up and I always run the risk of making the situation even worse. Secondly, because I think it's a real waste of energy. I mean, we've got curtains, we've got showers and we've got the sea nearby. Who needs bloody AC?

The heat may be annoying for the body, but it's good for the brain. My brain seems to be finally unfreezing...and it feels really good (the scribbling is just as bad as it used to be years ago, though :).

I admit, rolling in the heat is quite a challenge and I think I look even more in need of help than I used to under normal weather conditions. Due to a couple of minor accidents my left elbow is now the size of a tennis ball, which of course does not make a good impression on worried passers by (reminder to self: consider buying elbow pads or start attending wheelchair freestyle classes). But hey, it's scientifically proven than running is addictive - there's nothing I can do about it. 

Recently I also seem to have developed another addiction. Friends visiting me are visibly shocked at the sight of what look like two full bottles of alcohol on my kitchen table. 

Our conversation usually goes along these lines:

Visitor: "I see you had a party last night. Good for you!"
Me: "No, I actually didn't. I was by myself."
Visitor: "Oh...I see...but you know, you shouldn't be drinking by yourself. I can come over and we can have a chat and a drink or two."
Me (slightly confused): "Ok, that'd be nice, although I have to admit I've been quite tired at night recently. Often I don't even feel like having dinner."
Visitor (starts panicking): "Hm...remember, never drink on an empty stomach. And always start with the less alcoholic drink, never the other way around."

Never judge a bottle by its label. What looks like grappa and expensive white wine is actually tap water and elderberry syrup :))))

Sincerely yours,

D. The drunkard

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