mercoledì 10 giugno 2015

A picture-esque weekend

It's hard to keep running regularly (and efficiently) in this heat. The only solution is to wake up extra early and make the most of the morning peace and quiet.

So on Saturday morning I got up early (thank you for the inspiration, J. :). By 6 am I was already rolling up and down the empty streets in the pleasant morning chill. No heat, no traffic, but what's even more important, no passers by asking me if I need help because the only other people on the road were runners or cyclists. I even managed to fit in some stop&go exercises in an otherwise noisy and crowded playground, practise some quick turns and stretch.

By 10 am I had managed to:
- run and exercise
- do the dishes while listening to the news (x3)
- have breakfast in my favourite cafe while reading Murakami's 1Q84
- go for a long walk and enjoy the amazing view while sobbing ("Oh, I love this town" Mind you, this only happens when I am about to leave)
- buy the newspaper and skim through it
- scan documents and send them to Lux

How many more things could we get done if only we managed to get up early enough? I have a friend who is so busy that he only sleeps three hours a night. He seems to be fine, but I doubt you can do it for a long time. I keep wanting to read a book by an ultra-marathon runner who ran through the desert and apparently survived by only sleeping for 20 minutes at a time.

And it got even better. I got home after the run and found this in the mailbox.

Seeing my name next to the English version makes me giggle because it was more like a four-hand job (M., you're one of the very few people who knows exactly how my brain works...and yet you decided to be my friend. Cheers, hen!)

And then...

Round courgettes. Aren't they cute? 

Rdeče češnje rada jem! In mamin okras: štiriperesna deteljica

Murakami in my back garden, which I am redescovering these days

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