sabato 1 marzo 2014

Balancing it right

How much is too much?

Although I would say is never too much, I can assure you that even I am sometimes full to the point that I feel like I am about to explode. 3,2,1...Boom!

Nice to be busy but no matter how hard a perfectionist tries not to be one...perfectionism is like a plague, a deadly virus. You get to the end of the week with a splitting headache and very little money in your pocket.

Why is there always someone you care about more than they do and someone who cares about you more than you do? Isn't that a bit unfair?

I have been reading, thinking and meditating a lot these days and I often manage to be most profoundly happy...But then my brain starts working like crazy again, I start asking myself a thousand questions. About life, death, friendship and love, the future and the past...

The answer is: LIVE FOR THE MOMENT.



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