giovedì 18 giugno 2015

Maki time

1. Ingredients. This time it was tuna&mayonnaise, smoked (Scottish?) salmon, cucumber and fried egg.

2. Pressing. Rice should cover about half of the nori seaweed up to the edges.
Definitely the trickiest (and stickiest) part.

3. Assembling and trying out different combinations. 
Tuna&mayo, egg, cucumber and sesame was my favourite.

4. Rolling. Very hard to do without a Japanese rolling mat.

5. Maki sausage ready to be sliced.

6. Ta-da!

After this finger licking (literally, blame it on the rice!) Japanese dinner, we decided to get some ice cream. M., the only Japanese in the house, decided he had had enough "exotic" food and went for something "local": caramel ice cream with fleur de sel from Piran :)

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