domenica 1 febbraio 2015

Winter Wonderland

It's been snowing for three days now and when I say snowing I mean almost uninterruptedly. I feel like I've been living in one of those glass snow globes you buy in cheap souvenir shops. It's all very nice if you decide to treat yourself to the luxury of a transport free-weekend like I did this time (I think it was the first weekend I've spent at home since moving to Lux) and drink tea/hot chocolate/coffee...but sometimes it's a bit too much.

There is so much snow outside that I couldn't even get to the cinema (which is literaly across the street) to see The Theory of Everything. I thought I could roll at least for a couple of metres before getting stuck, but no, these wheels are really not designed for snow. Why would they be? Disabled people are sensible enough to know they should stay inside when the weather gets rough. Alternatively they can always take a taxi for a 200-metres ride. Too much of a hassle? Bollocks! They get a pension so they can obviously afford it.

There is so much snow outside that I cannot even meet my potential future husband and invite him over for a cup of tea.

There is so much snow outside that it gets caught on my wheels and when I get indoors it melts, leaving large puddles under my wheelchair and making it look like I just peed myself. Not the best way to impress my potential future husband.

There is so much snow outside that the lift is broken (again!) and there's no one to fix it.

There is so much snow outside that the postman decided to make his job a bit more interesting, turning it into a treasure hunt. He stopped putting the letters in the right post boxes, thinking it is way too easy. Instead, he leaves them in another building on top of a very high shelf (T., that's probably why I still haven't got hold of your card!).

There is so much snow outside that it feels like half a metre, when in fact it's probably more like 10 centimetres. Enough to make my life exciting and for me to finally relax and read a book. Hope you are all warm and cosy. :)

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