domenica 26 ottobre 2014

What to do when you fall in love

I've been meeting people who are in a long distance relationship and visit their significant others every month, people who's boyfriends/girlfriends are moving to Lux to be with them, people who don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend and desperately want one... One thing is clear: love makes the world go round, it really does. But what actually makes us fall in love? And why then and with that person instead of someone else? Is it all just an illusion? I sometimes think it's just a coincidence. But we all know coincidences don't exist... For the time being I find this set of rules quite reassuring and I'll stick to them:

If you ever fall in love...
- Don't say anything - KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
- Sit down
- Relax
- Take a deep breath
- Order a pizza
- Switch on the TV
and wait for it to pass.
You can be sure that it's going to hurt much less!

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