mercoledì 11 settembre 2013

Friends are like stars... don't have to see them to know they are there.

This is what it said on a wooden star I got as a present from R. today. A sentence I've heard many times before but it's interesting how things acquire a much deeper meaning if said/done by someone you really care about. Nice thought, although I am not entirely sure it holds true. Yes, you don't need to see someone all the time to consider them friends. Thank goodness, because otherwise I really couldn't say I've got that many friends :)

Today is an interesting day:

- it's the first day of autumn (at least if the weather is anything to go buy! Gah!)
- the day when a new wee creature was born :)
- the last day of little S. being 8 (can you believe she's turning 9 already?)
- my first day with a smartphone. There's nothing very special about this, if you ask me, but...get ready to be flooded with pictures of:

- food
- me cooking/baking
- me being silly
- me partying
- me going to amazing places
- me kissing guys (while taking pictures)
- me annoying my dog
- me going to concerts
- me buying new clothes (I really need some proper winter clothes, by the way)

Really? Nah! Not my thing at all!  I really hate being in the centre of attention and hate it when people know about everything I do. The occasional picture is nice, though and it might make this blog more pleasant for you to read :) By the way, have you noticed that I've put food as the first item on the list anyway? There's no "me" without food, is there?

So there you go, my wee stars. You might not always see me/hear from me (please give me some time to get used to touch screen texting!), but I'm always here!

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