sabato 10 agosto 2013

Do women really come from Venus?

It's been a while since I last posted anything...Life is just too busy or maybe I'm just too lazy! Things have been good here, although this is my first working summer. I can really tell the difference between my life now and my life as a student. If I go out during the week I start panicking about not getting enough sleep about 11pm already and if I go out on a Friday I start yawning and wanting to go to bed at about midnight. Does this just mean I'm sleep deprived or am I getting old?

Yesterday I went out with 3 couples of friends (yes, I'm always the odd one out, the only single in a group of people!) and we had a long and heated debate about relationships and the role of women/men. To be honest I was quite shocked about all the stereotypes that came out! I mean, is it really true that guys want their girlfriend/partner to also be their mother? Is it true that they wouldn't be able to do all the housework, were they left alone for a couple of days? I think it's not. I know many couples where guys do everything, from cooking to cleaning and ironing. Although it is true that many guys are spoiled (Italian guys in particular), I think it's often (not always) women's fault if guys don't help out enough. I know many girls who want to compete with their mother in law and wouldn't let their boyfriends do anything just to show everyone how good they are. Well, my dears, if you decide to act like this, then don't complain!

Same goes for girls who tell their partner: "You'll never understand our child as well as I do, because YOU didn't carry him/her for nine months. I DID!" EXCUSE ME?! Is it the guy's fault if he cannot get pregnant?!?

And another thing: all the girls in yesterday's group were convinced that a girl and a boy cannot be just friends. One of them must always be interested in the other. One girl even said: "Because if a guy does not show any interest in a girl...well...then we should start wondering about his sexual orientation!" Really??? To me that is just like saying: "Men are all predators and they will hunt any pray, regardless of the looks and the character". Isn't that sad??? And offensive too?? I think being friends with a guy can be so relaxing and so enlightening!  Or maybe I am just lucky to have some really amazing male friends. Thank you/gracias, J&J! :)

After having spent the whole evening on the guys' side (and becoming really passionate about their "cause"), one of the guys concluded that I am a wo-man (half and half). Now I just need to find a 
man-wo, forget about all the stereotypes and enjoy life! 

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