mercoledì 2 gennaio 2013

To blog or not to blog

The end of the year has always been a very creative time for me. Maybe because that's usually the time when I finally manage to catch up with people I haven't seen in ages and get lots of ideas from them. Maybe it's thinking about presents that makes me creative (although, to be honest, I've never been a fan of all this Christmas frenzy - I like giving and receiving presents all year long). Mind you, I rarely have life-changing epiphanies, but it is so nice to stop for a while and think about your life, your achievements (if any), your plans for the future, the year that has gone by... These days I've been thinking so much that I felt the urge to put things down on paper. Even the nicest thoughts can be draining sometimes. To start with, I thought I'd write just for myself, but I am a terrible procrastinator and I know I wouldn't keep it up for long. Also, writing for myself wouldn't necessarily help me to unravel the thoughts dwelling in my brain (why make the effort of being clear and concise if you don't have to?). In the end I decided that a blog wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. 
The main doubt I had (and I actually still have) is what language to write in. My choice no. 1 would certainly be Slovene, because it's my language, the language I think and dream in, but also the language in which, if you ask me, word plays are the funniest (I know, I am being biased here). Writing in English, on the other hand,  would mean I could use this blog to stay in touch with some people who live too far away for us to meet for a coffee and whom I really miss (strangely enough, Skype calls are never a very efficient way of catching up - too much reminiscing and a lot of giggling :). I also thought of those of you who would just love reading my posts and finding out grammar and spelling mistakes...So here you go: English it is, at least for the time being.
Doubt no. 2: Why would people be interested in what I have to say? a) Because of all the grammar mistakes b) "Because getting by in Trieste in a wheelchair is anything but easy!", as a friend said to me today. Very true! The title of this blog could be translated as "Dana's everyday life". It may not sound very exciting, but I can assure you that in Trieste even the most boring and banal things can become a source of amusement, if you are in a good mood, or frustration, if you are in a bad mood. 
Stay tuned. 

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