domenica 20 gennaio 2013

Coffee rebels

I have always thought I like to have my routine, to have everything under control, but I am realising more and more that I love unexpected things and changes. They definitely make life much more interesting (I just had the most improvised birthday ever and it was so so nice!).  

I know some people who are more than happy with a job which they themselves find boring. “It's good money for what I do and, let's be honest, I do close to nothing” they say. Sometimes I envy them because they have achieved something which I never will: they are happy with what they've got. Don't get me wrong, I am a very happy with my life, but I always think there's more to it. The sense of achievement after you've accomplished something great is an amazing feeling, but before you realise it, it's gone. You start wanting more, you set yourself new goals and I personally think this is what makes us grow. I'm possibly a bit to extreme, seen as I've never had any proper time off (and by “proper” I mean at least a couple of months to travel or do whatever I want). My life has always been “gap free”, full of changes, new faces, new places...The only thing I REALLY (REALLY, REALLY!) don't like changing are friends. Making new friends is always nice, but I  often  grow really fond of some people and then I suffer like hell when I have to leave them. I've realised it's not easy to keep in touch with friends whom you don't see very often and although I do my best to stay in contact with everyone, it doesn't always work (stupid time zones!). Luckily, I am not the kind of person who gives up easily, so I warn you: I'll keep trying!  :) 

Anyway, now that I am “stuck” at home for a while , there's a lot more routine in my life: get up, go to work - without ever managing to have breakfast, God forbid! - work, work, work, come home, write dissertation, cook dinner, blog – this damn wee thing is taking me far too much time! - bed and the whole thing starts all over again. I have to say I am not  tired of it (yet), but I absolutely refuse to do the exact same things every day.

My morning coffee is the only routine I like (and need desperately). Other than that, I like having coffee with different  people every day and, most importantly, I like trying different types of coffee (otherwise what would be the point in working in a coffee company? :) But there's a problem. The baristas know every single employee. They might not know everyone by name but they certainly know what time each of us usually comes for a coffee and what coffee we take. You get three chances. If you take the same coffe for three times in a row, that's you labelled for life. Choosing a different coffee every day like I (try to) do is a clear sign of borderline personality. It's almost like treason, after all coffee has a soul too. Who are we to hurt its feelings on a whim? So every time I ask for a different coffee, the barista gives me a sad look and says: “Are you sure you don't want the same as last time? You seemed to like it...” (of course I did, I like any kind of coffee!). I've been wanting to try latte macchiato for some days now, always unsuccessfully. The barista simply refuses to hear my requests and keeps bringing me “for-you-as-usual” coffee just because at one point I had cappuccino for more than three days in a row.

One cannot just go

                    to a cappuccino...
from a "capo in bi" (my absolute favourite)...

... a double macchiato
                                                                             ... and a latte macchiato 

It might sound stupid and banal, but in a way this coffee routine can be a metaphor for our lives: people are scared of changing and trying something new. And when they finally decide to go for it, it's often other people who warn them they shouldn't.

But I am determined not to conform to the rules. I'll make sure I try all of them. Whenever and whichever way I want.

Dana, the (coffee) rebel

2 commenti:

  1. +1 "It might sound stupid and banal, but in a way this coffee routine can be a metaphor for our lives: people are scared of changing and trying something new. And when they finally decide to go for it, it's often other people who warn them they shouldn't."

    This is so true! And that's why we always (must!) do as WE want to! ;)
    (ps: I still envy you, you know!)

    1. I've managed to have latte macchiato. Finally! Wohoo! :) It's good!
