domenica 13 aprile 2014

It's about time...(caution: pessimistic content)

... I wrote a post
... I realised perfectionism kills
... I accepted criticism.

I have been trying really hard lately. I am really, really, really trying to be positive, efficient, grateful and open (as well as tidy, friendly, fit, understanding, smiling...). I also make my best to accept other people's choices/habits/opinions...but when I am told that something I did was very bad without being given an hurts. It's as if all my positivity left me all of a sudden. I know that "It happens.", "You did your best.", "It's not the end of the world.""It might not even be true!" I  k-n-o-w! I also know I should not take things that personally and start doubting myself because I got criticised. I mean, honestly, do I think that everyone is always going to think I am great, brilliant, amazing, really good at what I do? Well, no! I know that! And that's not what hurts the most. The most painful bit is not being able to deal with it without feeling completely ****!

Time to focus and keep going... Hopefully my hurt pride will take less time to heal than it did the time before. And it will be less painful every time. Fingers crossed!

1 commento:

  1. Oh, ne se preveč žret. Saj vem, je lažje reči, kot storiti. Predvsem če si se potrudila po svojih močeh in na svoje delo gledaš kot na mali zaklad (da ne rečem otroka) ;), takrat je težko slišati kritiko. Zato se je fino naučit malo distancirat, poskusit objektivno pogledat na situacijo (ima naročnik prav, deloma, niti pod razno) in enostavno iti naprej, v nove projekte. Vsaka stvar je za nekaj dobra in vsaka šola nekaj stane, včasih tudi ponosa… ;) (moj prvi odziv je bil: oh, growing up! ;))
